Tuesday, May 12, 2009

ROOM 02 - thundering success!

THANK YOU to everyone on 25 April Saturday
- who braved the lightening storm & downpour, looked at the lovely art show; ate little coloured iced biscuits with sweetie faces; drank the dubious orange bubbly stuff in polystyrene cups; played tombola & won super duper prizes with Anna (the knitted mielie warmer is still up for grabs); watched Tim Knight and Sarah Dawson’s short films next door; ate hotdogs; drank beer; chattered in the corridor; smoked fags; swigged cheeky shots of tequila; bought art!; played twister…and whatever else went on.

Check out photos here

Huge thanks to all the hands that made it happen including...

Robert Mann for the super gallery space & cinema
Jess Nicholson for the lovely invite
Juliette Nicholson for hostess mostest coordinator
Mikey for well oiled bar machine
Anna Savage for Tombola lady goodness & tasty treats
The Hangman for his expertise
Brett for saving us from silence with last minute emergency hifi installation

And my Mom - she made lovely bags of popcorn

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